Ronald Reagan ~ February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004
40th President 1981-1989
Ronald Reagan sites visited:
Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois (the first president born in Illinois), and we took a brief tour of the little museum.
Our tour guide
The Reagans moved to Dixon, Illinois, and lived in this house from 1920 until 1923 or 1924 but the family continued to live in Dixon until 1933.
There's another Reagan statue in Dixon down by the Rock River.
Reagan is the only president to be born, raised, and educated in Illinois. He attended Eureka College from 1928-1932. The college has a one-room museum with a peace garden (complete with a piece of the Berlin Wall, of course) outside of the museum. The college has some interesting items in its possession.
This is the car into which Reagan was getting when he was shot by Hinckley in 1981. The car can be found in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
Rapid City, South Dakota, City of Presidents statue:
The Presidential Library, Museum, and gravesite are located in Simi Valley, California, and the building is huge.
More of the ubiquitous Berlin Wall
In 1984, Reagan visited the small town of Ballyporeen in Ireland, where his great grandfather was baptized in 1829. He stopped and had a drink in O'Farrell's Pub. After Reagan's death, the pub was purchased by the library foundation and brought to the Reagan Museum as a functioning pub.
A massive pavilion holds Reagan's Air Force One plane.
Marine One
Outside of the museum more artifacts/monuments can be found along with spectacular views.
And again...
Here is Reagan's last letter to the public as displayed in the museum.
"I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life."
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