William Henry Harrison ~ February 9, 1773 - April 4, 1841

9th President, March 4, 1841 - April 4, 1841 
William Harrison historic sites we've visited:

Harrison served the shortest Presidential term to date and was the first President to die in office. He also was the last President to be born before the Declaration of Independence and the first president to have his photograph taken while in office. Harrison began his life at the Berkeley Plantation in Charles City, Virginia.
In 1790, Harrison inherited what later became the Sherwood Forest Plantation of his Vice President, John Tyler. Harrison never lived there and sold the property after three years. (It was purchased by John Tyler in 1842.)
We found this historic sign regarding William's father, Benjamin Harrison, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. 
Harrison lived in Vincennes, Indiana from 1804-1812. It was undergoing  restoration when we visited.
A lot of historic information was provided even though we couldn't get inside.
Here we found no tree.
Tecumseh and Harrison would meet a few months later at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
The Tippecanoe Battlefield is just north of Lafayette in Indiana. Harrison's force greatly outnumbered the Native Americans but Harrison became a hero after winning the battle.
Following the War of 1812, William Harrison lived in North Bend, Ohio, which is also where his gravesite is located.
William Henry Harrison took his oath of office on March 4 at age 68, became sick on March 26, and died on April 4. He had a long military career, a short Presidential term, and was the grandfather of the 23rd president, Benjamin Harrison. William Harrison had ten biological children, the most of any president until John Tyler, his Vice President. Harrison is one of twelve presidents without a college degree.
"I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free."


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