Ulysses S. Grant ~ April 27, 1822 - July 23, 1885

18th President 1869-1877

These are the Grant sites we've visited so far.
His birthplace in Moscow, Ohio.
It's a very small one-story building.
Grant's boyhood home in Georgetown, Ohio.
There are a few original chairs here built by Grant's father, or so I was told.
Me & the tour guide.
Grant's bedroom at one time. It overlooked the family-run tannery that Grant hated.
This is some original lathing and an original back staircase walked on by the Grant family.
A schoolhouse attended by Grant is located a few blocks away.
The town of Georgetown put up this statue in the courthouse square for its favorite son.
The log cabin Grant built with the help of his father-in-law's slaves in 1856 can be found on the property of "Grant's Farm" in Missouri. A tram ride through the wildlife refuge (owned by the Busch family) will take you past it.
It was nicknamed "Hardscrabble" and it was a bit too rough for Julia Grant and the Grants moved back to her family home of White Haven in St. Louis.
A park ranger gave us a tour.
Until it was given to Ulysses and Julia, the property was owned by Julia's parents, the Dents, and run with the help of slaves.
Never miss the photo opportunities at the end of a tour 😊
On a trip through Galena, Illinois, we stopped to tour the Grant home. It was given to Grant after the civil war and it doesn't appear he spent much time here but the house does contain interesting artifacts and some Grant possessions.
I think we found this out back somewhere but I'm not sure.
The house is up on a hill overlooking the town and Julia has a statue that overlooks it all.
Ulysses S. Grant was the first four star General in history and was president when the 15th amendment was passed, granting every man, regardless of race or previous condition of servitude, the right to vote. 
Somewhere in St. Louis we found this star.
Grant is honored and remembered in Hackley Park in Muskegon, Michigan with a sculpture by Charles Niehaus, unveiled in 1900.
We visited Appomattox Courthouse National Park in Appomattox, Virginia in 2021.
Grant's Tomb in New York City was not open in 2021.
Grant was the first president to publish his memoirs and was the first four-star general in U.S. history. He is one of seven presidents to have been alive for two presidential assassinations (Lincoln and Garfield in Grant's case).

He was born Hiram Ulysses Grant and changed his name before entering West Point. His middle initial 'S' was added in error by the congressman nominating him to attend West Point and stands for nothing.
In 1865, President Lincoln invited Grant and his wife to join him for a play at the Ford Theatre. Grant declined.
"My failures have been errors of judgment, not of intent."
"I know only two tunes: one of them is 'Yankee Doodle,' and the other isn't."


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