
George W. Bush ~ July 6, 1946 -

43rd President, 2001-2009 George W. Bush sites visited:   Bush's Presidential Center is located on the campus of Southern Methodist University, 2943 SMU Blvd, Dallas Texas. Hanging chads 😕 Oval Office The day we were there, there was a temporary exhibit which was full of fascinating artifacts and documents. George and Barbara had a little farewell speech for us when we left. If you visit the gift shop, be aware that you cannot get back into the museum unless you walk outside and go back around through the entrance again. This is a true "Exit Through the Gift Shop." Rapids City, South Dakota, City of Presidents statue: The Bushes are the second set of father and son presidents in our nation's history.

Woodrow Wilson ~ December 28, 1856 - February 3, 1924

28th President, 1913-1921 Woodrow Wilson sites visited: Wilson's birthplace and museum/library are located on the same site in Staunton, Virginia. The Garden The museum There was a World War I exhibit on the lower level. This was Wilson's home from 1871-1875, 1705 Hampton St, Columbia, South Carolina. Rapids City, South Dakota, City of Presidents, statue: Woodrow Wilson is the only President to date to have earned a Ph.D. He is one of four presidents to have received the Nobel Peace Prize (along with Theodore Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama). "There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed."